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School, Camps and Community Organizations

Discover how

Emotional Intelligence

helps children see greatness in themselves.
Let's Collaborate

Our Children are 51% MORE Distracted than Everā€¦

This is Ben.

There is so much competing for his attention, Ben is confused, distracted and disconnected.

Let’s fast forward 10 years

Ben is an adolescent and becomes more conflicted which impacts his relationships and actions.

Let’s fast forward 20 years

Ben is an adult and parent. He wants to contribute to his community and family but can’t!

Why Does This Challenge Exist?

On average, children ages 8-12 spend 4-6 hours a day watching or using screens, and teens spend up to 9 hours.

Authentic learning experiences of exploration, play and inquiry that builds relationships is constantly competing with the latest technology, making it difficult to focus on tasks that grow creativity and critical thinking.

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Of full-time working parents, 39% of mothers and 50% of fathers say they feel as if they spend too little time with their children.

Working parents are tired, rushed & overwhelmed trying to get everything done & spend quality time with their kids. High levels & increased exposure can lead to toxic levels of stress in the home that impacts behavior & relationships.

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Kids spend on average only 2 hours per week of unstructured play time. No wonder 24% of kids say they feel too busy all the time.

Many studies show that kids need unstructured play time for opportunities to use their imagination and think creatively. When kids and families are overscheduled, they have little time to bond and form strong, healthy relationships.

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What’s the Solution?

Social Emotional Learning plays a pivotal role in helping kids see the greatness in themselves.


Take the First Step

Life’s challenges make it difficult to balance families, careers and contributing to your community. That’s why starting a convo today will help you prioritize your needs in the most critical areas of growth first!

Letā€™s Talk
The Floor: Understanding Culture
Bare Feet: Feeling Sensations
Socks: Creating Safe Spaces
The Right Fit: Having Needs Met
Time to Choose: Defining Core Values
Walking Your Walk: Aligning Intentions to Actions

Why Does This Challenge Exist?

Discover their Greatness
Explore and discover their greatness through actions and intentions

Affirming Spaces
Children see themselves in the experiences they are engaged. Their cultural identity is affirmed and valued. 

Feeling of Safety
Safe spaces with trusted caring adults build relationships with kids in and outside of the school day.

Home and School Connection
Have the opportunity to learn from their children and utilize strategies at home that they are learning at school.

Shared Experiences
Engage in experiences as a family that strengthen connection and focused engagement together.

Forming Relationships
Meet new families through this partnership within your community and outside connections.

Mission Alignment
Reflect on your organization’s mission/vision to ensure your goals are aligned to support children and their families. Ensure that all staff and stakeholders are dedicated to these values.

Robust Programming

Curriculum that builds upon your program’s niches but connects to Social Emotional Learning competencies to show how you approach the whole child.

Educating Staff
Staff are equipped beyond their scope of expertise with a wide range of tools needed to support children on all levels socially and emotionally.

Raving Fans!

What my clients say about me!

"I am so grateful for our work together! Emily inspired me to shift my perspective back to my “why” versus trying to hit a number. It has transformed my attitude and energy towards my work! Emily’s education on the levels of brain state has allowed me to share this with some of my JA business partners to help them understand the “why” of JA"

Linda Tinsley

 Director of Junior Achievement Northern IN

Berrien & Cass, MI and La Porte, IN

"Our community is incredibly lucky to have Emily Dills as a part of it. The passion and creativity she brings to help people build relationships and make connections has made our schools more inclusive and adaptable. She cares deeply for the healthy development of students and is generous in sharing her extensive knowledge and skill in the area of social and emotional learning. It is hard to grasp the number of students her work has impacted in a positive way"

Emily Kaiser

 Executive Director, The Advancement Center

"Emily has been a wonderful partner with AYS. She has helped us to connect what is happening in the classroom to students’ time outside of the school day. Ensuring the social and emotional needs of students are met is a high priority for AYS and Emily’s collaborative spirit is helping us achieve those goals"

Susan Reinhart

 Director of Out of School Time Program
At Your School (AYS, Inc.)